Monday 9 May 2011

Manchester United vs Chelsea at McDonald Prima Saujana Kajang

Ad populum appeal to common belief:
A group of teenagers at McDonald. It was a crowded night, full of manchester united supporters. I overheard a conversation between a group and a teenage boy.

In malay "Kita orang ni MU fan, kalau ko nak lepak sama meja ngan kitaorang, ko duk diam diam je layan MU okay?
English version "We are all Manchester United Fans, if you want to be in the same table as us. You better be quiet and just watch Manchester United play ok?"

In this situation, between peer, to fit in a group one's need to think like the others do.
These are also known as The Bandwagon Fallacy, a fallacy in which a threat of rejection by one's peers (or peer pressure) is substituted for evidence in an argument.

WE as a human being does have mind of our own. Dont stop the thinking or blocking others people view, in sense to be the same. Differences makes the human kind unique.

Starbucks coffee

Go to fullsize image
As now i am at Starbucks Coffee having my chocolate ice caramel in venti size.

By looking at starbucks logo, i can see the words mention about starbucks & coffee.

Go to starbucks for a drink.
Starbucks offered coffee.

Therefore if i go starbucks i must drink coffee.

true premise and true conclusion.

The conclusion is not FALSE but Valid bad arguments because starbucks is not necessarily will serve only coffee.
Starbucks served also tea and mineral water.

Good arguments?

My wife told me last nite saying that " If you dont study for your exam you will failed"

To think about it , i feel that it is not a good arguments.
Because if i dont study i might still answered or i have my assignments to back me up.

Implicit conclusion and implicit premises, a good statement is like, If i dont do my assignments i will failed because assignments are main reason to fail in a paper in MMU. It consists of 50% marks and a must to submit assignments if not will not passed, therefore if I dont do my assignments i will failed.

Facts are important. However sometimes a person make a statement with premises but yet ask the person to resolve it by him or herself.
Luckily i did my assignments and i will say i have the chance of not failing.

Assignment due tomorrow! Almost done

The assignment 1 which is the blog assignment is due tomorrow, but it is almost finished.

Up-Player statement.

I remember when my brother was small, in any story about his incident he will become a up-player.

There is one time when i come back from school. He told that he got hurt from an accident with the neighbor car.
When i checked , he looks okay doesnt have any cuts. However after i ask the neighbor, they told me that my brother accidently hit the non moving car. No harm done.

But the way you tell the story is very important. We will look it as serious if doesnt know the truth. It is true that he had an accident. it is true it is with the neighbor. but the severe things is not mention.

What can you tell from this picture of advertisement ?

Masked rider black use motor.
SO if we use honda motor we be like him.
 (True premise, false conclusion)
* we must gather the truth before we think*
advertisement put words in our head silently.

Ad populum appeal to force

The scare tactic.

I always see people use this tactic either to a person no matter how old or young the person is.

For example, there is one weekend when i went to Mid Valley Shopping Mall.
A mother and a young boy probally the age of 3 or 4 years old.
There were at the kids department. The toddler began to run up and down all around the places. When suddenly the Mother grab him and tell that "If you dont stay still, I will leave you and ask the security officer to take you away(pointing at the security guard)"

this is a way of people to do scare tactic to get what they want.
in this case to get the boy to stay calm, she use scare tactic in order to do so.
The boy scared that the mother leave and the security officer take him, so that he agrees to stay calm.

Sunday 8 May 2011

The word “Ad Hominem" is from Latin means "against the man" or "against the person."

A friend told me about the story of his family and himself.
He is consider as the blacksheep of the family. A sibling of his
is having problem, and he try to help by giving advices. The sister
give a remark that really shocked him, by saying "You cant even take
care of yourself yet you want to advice me!".

As a critical thinker, you must not let emotion controls you and you must evaluate
the contain of argument. He may not be a good person but he is your brother and
wanted to help. The sister should just think for a while if the advice is good and not harmful, she just think either to follow or not. Do not shut off the mind and find the
mistake of others.